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Corporate Polo Shirts

Sep 27


Choosing the most appropriate CORPORATE POLO SHIRT fabric vital. The decision you make will depend on your personal preference and circumstances.

Corporate polo shirts for Drifit consist of synthetic fibers that to wick sweat away from your body. This makes them an ideal choice for people who train. Polyester clothing is more durable, but they don't absorb sweat as well as Dri-fit clothes.

If you're looking to perform some exercises or require a corporate polo to keep cool and cool, Drifit is the perfect choice.

The best fabric for t-shirts could be an extremely difficult task. There are a myriad of fabrics available for durability, comfort and fashion. This article will give you all the details you require to make the right decision between polyester and dri-fit.

Polyester is a cheaper alternative and generally less brittle than drifit. It also maintains its shape longer and doesn't shrink as much as Dri Fit fabric. Polyester clothing has more endurance than dri fit cotton corporate polo shirts because they don't have any particular features that cause them to become less durable with time.


It is used to make more than 50% of all clothing that is sold around the globe. It is widely used in everything from sportswear to fashions however, it, as other materials has its advantages and disadvantages. What are the benefits over and drawbacks for polyester?

Polyester is a low-cost synthetic produced by humans. It's durable, long-lasting and light. It's as well flexible, lightweight, is able to shrink and wrinkle, and is easy to color. The most significant problem with polyester is it's not air tight. When it's humid, it holds sweat and heat close to the skin, which causes the person to feel uncomfortable, hot and uncomfortable.

In contrast to natural fibres like wool (which is known to be comes in wool) Fibers made of polyester are created in a lab.

It is an oil-based compound. Polymerization is a scientific process that involves the interaction of an acid and alcohol. The result is melted plastic that is made into fibres from polyester.

This process creates a repeated string of polymers which makes an exceptionally strong thread for fabrics.

Polyester fabric, which was developed during the 30s enjoyed many kinds of appeal, in both lows and highs. Did you ever remember that scuffy double knit fabric your parents likely had on back in the 1950s? It was one of the more unglamorous moments of polyester.

In the 1960s Polyester's popularity rose to create vibrant fashions. And, during the decade of 1970s, the fabric was the reason for the rise of the T-shirt printed with a design. Polyester is found almost everywhere, from car seatbelts all the way to the upholstery of your living room!


  • Low cost
  • Durability
  • Elasticity
  • Versatility
  • Heat Resistant


  • Breathlessness, and the absence of it
  • A lack of absorption for moisture
  • Environmentally bad
  • Flammable
  • Odours
  • Uncomfortable

In essence, DriFit is an improvement to polyester since it's made by the same process similar to regular polyester. But there's a significant difference: the microfibers are required to be smaller than a single-strand silk, which is known as"denier. "denier." It means microfiber is much lighter than silk!

It's done so why not? Since Dri-Fit is basically just an unrefined polyester that's better to buy Dri-Fit in bulk. Dri-Fit...or do we? Is polyester dri fit?


Microfiber, also known as Dri-Fit, is the most sought-after kind of fabric for sportswear on the market. Dri-Fit is synthetic fibre made from petroleum and made of threads that are less that human hair.

Dri-fit fabric is typically constructed from one type or a mix of synthetic fibres, such as nylon polyester, acrylic rayon and rayon. Some of the features of dry-fit fabric are comparable to natural cotton. Read for more details about the qualities you want on T-shirts.



The fine fabrics of Dri fit Corporate polo shirts  lets them breathe no matter the weather conditions or the your activities are.

Light Weight

Microfiber shirts are lighter than other fabrics. They are an excellent quality if you're using them for exercise or playing sports.

Quick Drying

Dri-fit tees dry quickly due the wick-absorption function. This feature not only keep your body cool and dry during hard workouts, but will also mean that your shirt will dry faster after washing it.


The fibers of Dri-fit t-shirts are extremely durable against wear and damage. Dri-fit-shirts are also more machine-wash-durable, so they are generally easier to maintain.


Dri-fit clothes don't become wrinkled quickly, so you aren't worried about the time it takes to iron them.


Not The Most Comfortable

Dri-fit isn't a very comfortable fabric for t-shirts because they lack the natural softness and feeling of cotton.

Not Suitable For Sensitive Skin

Its surface is rougher than cotton's. Additionally, because it isn't made from natural materials, some people may be prone to skin irritations wearing microfibers.

Choose Dri-fit corporate polo shirt If:

  • This corporate polo shirt for business that you wear is made for exercising or sports events.
  • Polo shirts for corporate wear was specifically designed for outdoor activities or intensive physical workouts.
  • You prefer convenience over other choices.

Tips to Take care of your Dri-fit Polo tops

Dri-fit corporate polo shirt should be washed using warm water to keep their synthetic fibres.

Avoid using detergents or softeners with additives. Certain products could cause a blockage within the space between fibers in dri-fit and Polo shirt. This can affect their capacity to absorb the wick.

Don't mix with Polo shirt with other fabrics when washing. The washing of microfiber and cotton shirt can make microfiber polo shirts to accumulate particles of lint that are difficult to eliminate. It is crucial to remember that after we've cleaned DriFit is still a microfiber fabric.

Comparison of Materials

It's our mission to give you brief information on the main points of Dri-fit and polyester.

If you're looking for material that's suitable for fitness clothing, activewear or sportswear, why not recommend Dri-Fit? The reason is fairly obvious as it's mentioned in the name. It helps you stay fit and dry!

It's extremely efficient in eliminating sweat from your body , helping to keep your body dry while you workout hard.

If you're looking ways to look stylish (maybe due to an event) It's possible to choose the polyester since it's less costly and can be a lot more flexible to move about in.

If you are planning an advertising campaign that is outdoors, Polyester shouldn't be the first option because it absorbs smells and won't be able to draw customers with it. Instead, we recommend making use of Dri fit fabric. Dri fit fabric as it isn't a magnet for odors and is sturdy enough to stand up to the demands of business or marketing.


The ultimate decision is whether or not to opt for Dri-Fit or Polyester depends on your individual requirements. Whatever fabric you decide for your project and you want to design your Corporate Polo shirts, look at us, as we're the best in the world of custom clothing printing!

For more details on our extensive customizable corporate polo shirt selection, check out our website or send us an email to schedule a no-cost consultation!



Corporate Gifts Singapore · Customised Polo Shirts